Aldo Greco

Aldo Greco

In 1981 Aldo Greco graduated in architecture at the University of Florence.
From 1978 to 1983 he went often to the studio of Giovanni Ausenda, where he explored the issues related to interior architecture and design. In 1983 he opened his own professional architecture studio and from 2004 he worked together with Ausenda till his death. In 2010 Aldo Greco founded the Greco-Giovanardi architecture studio.
Throughout his career he always combined his great passions for design, architecture, interior design and scientific restoration. He carried out several projects for private customers, companies such as Carimonte Bank, Cassa di Risparmio di Cento, Graniti Fiandre, public bodies such as municipalities, Emilia Romagna region and he also worked with design companies. His works have been published in magazines such as Octagon, Casa Vogue, Interior, Riabita, Matter, BmmZone. He lives and works in Modena.

Alessio Bassan

Alessio Bassan

Alessio was born in 1962 in Thiene, one of Vicenza's provinces. When he was young he was interested in design and cooperated with some firms, architecture and interior design studies. A self-taught designer, in 1988 he collaborated with an important studio in Vicenza. This experience gave him the possibility to found his own studio in 1997.
Today he's a full skilled designer, able to create products, to be responsible for the company communication, to design homes, shops, locals and hotels.
His versatility has let him develop a sophisticated and unconventional oeuvre, which has enabled him to anticipate times and trends.

Andrea Lucatello

Andrea Lucatello

The industrial designer Andrea Lucatello was born in Treviso in 1968. He lives and works in Biancade (Treviso). Since he was young, he was deeply engaged in different professional activities, which allowed him to develop experience, creativity, and knowledge, in particular manufacturing techniques of different materials, especially in interior and nautical design.
Nowadays he collaborates with a range of companies, dealing mainly with interior design and home furnishing, creating product image, and conducting research, starting from the first project through the final production. His projects create original products, marked by a strong personality and an advanced design.

Angelo Tomaiuolo

Angelo Tomaiuolo

Angelo Tomaiuolo graduated in Architecture with the highest honours at The University of Florence in 2001.
In 2004 he started cooperating with Matteo Thun & Partners in Milan and in 2006 with Massimiliano Fuksas, dealing with hotel and resort projects, such as Airport Stuttgart Mövenpick Hotel, NH Hotel in Milan, and led the 63rd Venice Film Festival set design.
In 2006 he continued collaborating with Massimiliano Fuksas Studio, in charge of the Armani Ginza Tower Flagship project in Tokyo and won the 1st Prize for the international competition of Shenzhen Bao'an Int. Airport Terminal in China.
In 2007 he established his own architectural firm, standing out for for the research and development of new languages in contemporary architecture, in the sign of environmental sustainability and technological innovation. Afterwards he received the honorable mention "best 30 concept" for Colorsdesigner International Competition. In 2008 he won the bronze medal award in the Seoul Design Olympiad with the "Dancing Water" pavilion project and his name was entered in Young Blood 08, the annual of Italian talents supported by the National Government.



Archirivolto was founded by Claudio Dondoli e Marco Pocci as an industrial design and architecture studio. Claudio and Marco, during their architectural studies in Florence, set up a experimental theatrical group. Keeping all together, they chose to deal with design. Their interest in theatre influenced strongly the direction of the new study: creativity, sense of reality, respect and attention to the public. For Archirivolto, design means beauty, harmony and freedom; it can not be bound by strictly, established rules, neither be a privilege of a social or cultural class: «the designer has to create a beauty within everybody's reach and to come up to more and more people». The research of material and processes is one of the most important activities of the studio, done to obtain the best result in cost-benefit ratio terms. The design studio Archirivolto has premises in Colle Val d'Elsa, in the heart of Tuscany from where they find inspiration everyday.



In the BrogliatoTraverso design studio we know our job is a great privilege:
We can give life to objects that surround people.
The beauty of these objects is the expressive synthesis of our partnership with design brands that produce them. This vision, combined with professionality, technical experience, passion for research and innovation, has allowed BrogliatoTraverso to receive some of the most important international design prizes, such as Red Dot Design Award, Good Design Award and iF Design Award.

Gino Carollo

Gino Carollo

Gino Carollo was born in Vicenza. In 1990 he began his work in the industrial design sector, collaborating also as an art director with prestigious Italian and International companies in the area of furniture.
Commissioned by Assarredo, he planned the exhibition andimagery for the Italian Pavilion at the International Furniture Fair in Cologne in 1992 and 1993, as well as the Italian Pavilion at the Interieur Fair in Vienna in 1992.
He took part to the Dirattan Exposition in Milan in 1993 and also the exposition "Progetti e Territori" at the Fair "Abitare il Tempo" in Verona in 1994. In the same years he won the Du Pont Prize in Cologne, the Young Design Prize in Milan and the Casaidea Prize in Rome. Some of his products have been exhibited at the MoMA in New York. In 2012 he received the Interior Innovation Award in Cologne for the product "Bookless" of Interlübke.
In 1999 he opened Studio28 GinoCarollo, trying to create a qualified team to support the companies of the branch. The design of products, connected to the engineering and the realization of models and prototypes, turned out to be useful tools, which let the studio have important results and establish long-term collaborations. The industrial design activity of Studio 28 have been developed and expanded in the last years, with the introduction of other sectors, in particular covering the field of architectural planning of exposition spaces, showrooms and corporate identity.

Giuseppe Viganò

Giuseppe Viganò

Giuseppe Viganò devotes all his time to industrial planning of furniture items and to the art direction of companies of this sector. As designer, he has a creative spirit and an associated sense of beauty, which he rediscovers each time and realises in every new project. The planning research is the base of his creative thought, which always leads him to achieve new goals. New materials often become a starting point to create not only a product, but also complete collections. The research of references from the art world, fashion and poetry are often the occasion to approach the product in a tangential way; the majority of his well known products were created thanks to painting concepts or glamorous details, other times are poetic gestures that create seducing forms.

Manzoni e Tapinassi

Manzoni e Tapinassi

Maurizio Manzoni was born in Nuoro in 1967 and graduated in Architecture in Florence. He began his professional growth under the guidance of the designer Roberto Tapinassi, working in the field of Industrial Design with leading companies. He also deals with interior design, graphics and nautical planning. He teaches design, relief and diagnostics of fabric at the University of Florence.
He lives in Florence and works at a studio together with Roberto Tapinassi.

Margherita Fanti

Margherita Fanti

Margherita Fanti has developed a sophisticated, elegant style with an eye for detail that makes her creations unique and unexpected.
It mixes architectural elements and artistic touches borrowed from the great masters of the first half of the 20th century, as well as influences from haute couture and fine jewellery. The result is an elegant, personal style with which she designs spaces and furniture collections for companies in the sector.
Her designs take inspiration from the past but with a fresher, more minimalist and contemporary feel. A creative world that is constantly evolving.



nucleo+ is a heterogeneous group of artists and professionals active in Friuli since the 90s in the furniture and fashion sector, born to combine creative and design experiences applicable to industrial design. Irene Sara, artist and painter graduated in Scenography and Applied Arts at NABA in Milan, is the creative soul of the group, to which she entrusts her formal research to be transformed into innovative and functional furnishing elements. The Butterfly table, the first collaboration with Cattelan Italia, is an example, where form and complexity of realization find the correct synthesis between harmony and beauty.

Oriano Favaretto

Oriano Favaretto

Oriano Favaretto was born in 1956 in Silea (Treviso). He attended the "Accademia delle Belle Arti" where he had the opportunity to meet Emilio Vedova, important teacher of graphic signs.  Another important experience was the cooperation with Ennio Chiggio, as trainee and collaborator. Among his main professional successes we can count the "Lubian 1982" award at the "Italian Academy Competition", as well as the working experience in painting art, gained at the "Bevilacqua La Masa" foundation. He took part in numerous leading international shows, for example "Eventi" in Milan, together with Zuccheri and Oira, the itinerant fair "I Fiori della Metafora" with Plessi and D'orazio and the "Murano" award won by Oriano in 1987 and 1992 and he has been selected in the contest for the mural painting of Sacca Fisola in Venice. Important is also the award "Lampada d'oro" gained in S.I.L. in Paris in 1993 and then the "Prix d'Excellence" that the magazine Marie Claire gave him, thanks to his "Polipò" which became soon the lamp of the year. He cooperates with several outstanding companies in the domain of industrial design. His art works are exposed at the Glass Museum in Murano and in some other private collections.

Piero De Longhi

Piero De Longhi

Piero de Longhi qualified as Art teacher in 1968 and began his professional career in graphic design. During the 70s, a period rich in its ferment of activities and suggestions, he was fascinated by the industrial design of which he understood the enormous communicative potential. His constant research of forms, which combines taste and a sense of time, led him collaborate with Cattelan Italia, when it was founded in 1979. During the 80's and 90's he linked his name to products, that are nowadays some of our classics. Attracted by the evolution of the tools, materials and construction technologies, he has faced up to the demand, that contemporary design requires: create evergreen products, which withstand the succession of fashion and trends.

Pio e Tito Toso

Pio e Tito Toso

Pio and Tito are brothers, they were born in Venice in 1973 and 1971. In Venice they were graduated in Architecture at the IUAV, the University Institute of Architecture of Venice, in 1998. They founded in 1996 the professional studio PIO&TITOTOSO. The Studio works in building projects in different countries. In the Industrial design they work with the most qualified companies. They also plan stands, exhibitions, shops, offices and warehouses for several companies, working on the image and the graphics.
They received several prices such as the Archiproducts Design Award 2020, Red Dot Design Award 2017, Compasso d'oro design Index 2016, Design Plus 2016, Selection at the International Compasso d'Oro 2015, Red Dot Design Award 2015, Red Dot Design Award 2012 Good Design Award 2009, I.Dot selection 2006-2007, Young & design 2005.
They took part in various exhibitions in Europe ad United States. The MoMa of New York has selected some of their projects.

Raffaello Galiotto

Raffaello Galiotto

He was born in Chiampo near Vicenza in 1967. After studying Fine Arts in Venice, he founded his own design studio in 1993. He has combined the activity of product design, especially for the furniture field with his other interests, namely, research, materials, manufacturing processes and technology. He develops innovative experimentation and exhibition events of international character. In the sector of marble and natural materials, he has obtained several awards for his works with some important firms. He currently teaches design at the University of Ferrara; his projects have been published in books, magazines and exhibited in museums and international events.

Studio Dainelli

Studio Dainelli

Dainelli Studio was founded in 2007 by Leonardo and Marzia Dainelli, designers and architects specialized - respectively - in product design and interior design.
The studio - based in Milan and Pisa - creates interior design projects for public and private spaces, and collaborates with prestigious companies in the world of furnishings.
Their ongoing research on image and form - a distinctive aspect of Dainelli Studio - leads to concrete results of refined design, based on perfectly gauged proportions and harmony between forms, materials and finishes. Every project embodies in-depth design culture with knowledge of industrial production techniques and craftsmanship.
The ability to establish dialogue with the environment and the individual product - thanks to the various areas of expertise of Leonardo and Marzia - permits the creation of every element required for the construction of a completely personalized project: from the individual object made to measure to the total look of a complete habitat.

Tosca Design

Tosca Design

Tosca Design was founded in 2019, after gaining several years of experience in the business on furniture design by a team of designer specialized in industrial design, interior design and visual arts. Its founder Nicola Tonin was born in Padova in 1980. After completing his studies as a technician for the furnishing industry, he began working for its family furniture company.
In 2011 he decided to improve his knowledge with a Master degree at CUOA Business School in Vicenza. During these years he refined his style. Driven by his passion for furniture and materials he gave rise to various projects and many collaborations with professionals in the field of architecture. Currently the Tosca Design Studio has several projects in progress.

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