Year: 2019

The cradle of humankind, the wild and majestic nature, the tribal rhythm and the starry nights. The Africa wall mirror is shaped like the fascinating continent, allowing you to travel with your imagination, like through an enchanted portal. The skillfully cut bevelled edges outline a sinuous and evocative shape, which is particularly suitable to reflect the human body ... without forgetting Madagascar! The Africa shaped mirror is available in two sizes: Africa and Africa Magnum.

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Wall mirror in smoked grey or bronze mirrored glass with bevelled growing edges.

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Disclosure document made available in accordance with article 13 of D.lgs. (Legislative Decree) 30th June 2003 n. 196 (Code regulating personal data protection) and subsequent modifications introduced by articles 13-14 of the European regulation 2016/679.

Cattelan Italia s.p.a., in the capacity of Controller, would like to make known to its clients that the D.lgs. (Legislative Decree) 196/2003 (Code regulating personal data protection) and subsequent modifications introduced by the European regulation 679/2016 are aimed at the protection of data concerning individuals. In compliance with what is laid down by the above-mentioned Code and the current legislation in the field, the processing of information concerning you will be guided by principles of correctness, lawfulness and transparency, safeguarding your privacy and your rights.
How we treat your personal data:
When creating an account to receive the services of Cattelan Italia or when filling in the contact form, we ask you for some data such as name, surname, and e-mail address. We require this kind of information to provide you with a personalized experience of our services.
If you sign up for the newsletter, the only information you will be asked for is your e-mail address. We handle your personal data only for the purposes listed in the current privacy policy and for purposes related to the services you are offered.
There is always some risk associated with providing personal information, whether it is made in person, by telephone, via the Internet or by using other technologies. In addition, there is no technology system that can be considered completely safe or hack-proof. adopts the appropriate precautions to avoid unauthorized access and improper use of your personal data. also adopts encryption and firewall technologies during the collection of personal data.
Data conservation and accuracy:
We want to maintain our database updated, and regularly delete obsolete and unnecessary personal information. We retain data only for the period of time necessary to satisfy the purpose for which it was collected or for the time provided by the legislation. Information about the conservation period is available in the relevant section below. You can also contact us, using the contact details below.

Therefore, in accordance with article 13 of D.lgs. (Legislative Decree) 196/2003 and of the subsequent modifications introduced by articles 13-14 of the European regulation 2016/679, we would like to inform you of the following:

  1. Purposes of personal data processing
    The data you provide will be treated for purposes which respond to the contractual requirements and their resulting obligations, as well as to achieve an efficient management of relationships. In particular for:
    1. Market surveys
    2. Activities of commercial promotion and information
    3. Legal fulfilments connected to civil, fiscal and accounting rules.
    4. Administrative management of the relationship
    5. Fulfilment of contractual obligations
    6. Handling of correspondence

  2. Processing modalities
    The processing of your personal data will be carried out with the aid of digital means and/or paper documents, under suitable conditions which ensure integrity, safety and confidentiality, as required by Annex B “Technical disciplinary” and by articles 31-36 of the D.lgs (Legislative Decree) 196/2003, in accordance with article 11 of the same Code.

  3. Provision of data
    In order to fulfil the legal and/or contractual obligations, the provision of data for purposes referred to in point 1) is compulsory. Any refusal of this provision will entail the impossibility of fulfilling the requests and therefore the failed execution of the contract and/or the failed prosecution of the contract.

  4. Communication and diffusion
    Without prejudice to the notifications made in execution of legal obligations, the provided data may be communicated to third parties (linked societies or third societies) which perform specific assignments on behalf of Cattelan Italia.

  5. Controller
    The Controller is Cattelan Italia s.p.a.. with registered office in via Pilastri 19 – 36010 Carrè (VI), VAT number 00872290242

  6. Conservation period
    Your personal data will be retained and processed throughout the duration of the established relationship and afterwards, in order to carry out our legal obligations.

  7. Rights of the Interested party
    You will always be able to contact the Controller (Cattelan Italia s.p.a., the writing subject) to exercise the rights mentioned by art.7 of the D.lgs. (Legislative Decree) 196/2003, as reported below:

    D.lgs. (Legislative Decree) 196/03 - Art. 7. ”Right of access to personal data and other rights:
    1. The Interested party has the right to obtain confirmation of the existence of data concerning him/her, even if still not registered, and to receive its communication in intelligible form.
    2. The Interested party has the right to obtain indication of:
      1. the origin of personal data;
      2. the purposes and modalities of processing;
      3. the logic applied in case of processing performed with the aid of electronic devices;
      4. the identification details of the owner, of the people in charge and of the designated representative in accordance with article 5, comma 2;
      5. the subjects or the categories of subjects to whom the personal data can be communicated to or who can be informed of as designated representative in the State territory, as people in charge or as appointees.
    3. The Interested party has the right to obtain:
      1. the update, the rectification, namely the integration of data, if interested;
      2. the erasure, the conversion in anonymous form or the blocking of data processed in breach of the law, including data whose conservation is not necessary with regard to the purposes for which it was collected and subsequently processed;
      3. the attestation that the operations mentioned in letters a) and b) have been made known, also with regard to their content, to people in charge to get communicated or released data, unless such fulfilment turns out to be impossible or entails a deployment of means manifestly disproportionate compared to the protected right.
    4. The Interested party has the right to oppose, in whole or in part:
      1. for legitimate reasons, the processing of personal data concerning him/her, although pertaining to the purpose of the collection;
      2. the processing of personal data concerning him/her for the purpose of sending advertising material or of direct selling, for market surveys or commercial communications.”

    According to article 13 comma 2 of the European regulation 2016/679 the Interested party has also the right:
    1. to ask to the Controller the access to personal data, ex art. 15 of the European regulation 2016/679

    2. of the portability of such data, ex art. 20 of the European regulation 2016/679. Therefore, the Interested party has the right to demand the transmission of the provided data to another Controller (to another service provider) without hindrance from the part of the actual Controller (the writing subject).

    3. of the rectification of the aforementioned data, ex art. 19 of the same European regulation, respecting the right of self-determination of the Interested party.

    4. of the erasure of his/her personal data, respecting what is laid down in the field of the “right to be forgotten” (art. 17 European regulation 2016/679)

    5. of the limitation of the data processing that concerns him/her, or to oppose its processing (art. 21 European regulation 2016/679) for legitimate reasons or unconditionally when performed with the aim of sending advertising material or of direct selling, or with the aim of making market surveys.

    6. File a complaint to a supervisory authority

  8. Consent to the processing
    You are recognized as having the faculty of withdrawing the consent to the processing of your personal data by sending a registered letter with acknowledgement of receipt to the following address: Cattelan Italia S.p.A. Via Pilastri n. 19 Carrè (VI) and/or to the certified e-mail address accompanied by your ID card, with the following text: “Withdrawal of the consent to the processing of all my personal data”. At the end of such operation, your personal data will be deleted from the archives within the shortest possible time.
If you want any further information about the processing of personal data you supplied, namely to exercise the rights mentioned in point 8) you can send a registered letter with acknowledgement of receipt to the following address: Cattelan Italia S.p.A. Via Pilastri n. 19 Carrè (VI) and/or to the certified e-mail address

Privacy Policy update

Dear Partner,
we inform you that we updated our Privacy Policy in order to improve our service. You can read the full document at this link.

If you wish to keep access to exclusive content in our website we invite you to accept the terms for data processing.

Fields marked with * are required.
This site uses cookies. By continuing to browse the site, you are agreeing to our use of cookies.
What is a cookie?
Cookies are small text files which are sent to the browser and saved on the user’s device (pc, smartphone or tablet) when browsing a website ( in our case). Cookies allow the site to function efficiently and improve its services, in addition to providing information to the site owner for statistical or advertising purposes, primarily to personalise your navigation experience by remembering your preferences.

From a subjective point of view view cookies can be divided into:
  • First-party cookies organized and managed by the site operator
  • Third-party cookies organized and managed by third parties based on their own individual privacy policies

From an objective point of view, they are divided into:
  • Technical cookies: are used for the sole purpose of “carrying out the transmission of a communication over an electronic communications network, or as strictly necessary for the provider of an information society service explicitly requested by the subscriber or user to provide this service” (cfr. art. 122, paragraph 1, of the regulation) and they can be subdivided into:
    • Session cookies: they ensure the normal surfing the web (if you are a registered user, they will allow you to be recognised and to access the services offered from the dedicated areas).
    • Analytics cookies: they are used by the site operator. These cookies are used to prepare statistical analyses on the navigation methods of our website’s users.
    • Functional cookies: These cookies allow, based on your express request, for you to be recognised when you subsequently access the website, so that you do not have to enter your information each time.
  • Analytical cookies: are used to collect data in an anonymous and aggregate way. These cookies are used to prepare statistical analyses on the navigation methods of our website’s users. We can distinguish them into:
    • First-party analytical cookies: (comparable to technical cookies) In which the fulfilments weigh directly on the site operator (that is the Controller)
    • Third-party analytics cookies: comparable to technical cookies but within the limits set by the Competition Authority in “Clarifications” of 5 June 2015. In this case this information is entirely controlled by third party cookies as described in the respective policy.
  • Profiling cookies: they can be both first party or third-party cookies. They allow to collect profiles related to the user and are then used to send advertising messages in line with the favourites shown during the browsing experience.

Does use cookies?
Does need cookies to work properly?
Why does use cookies?
To grant the best browsing experience in our website.
The cookies we use are divided into three categories:
  1. Analysis and research: cookies help us analysing the performances of our website. We use the collected data to enhance your browsing experience.
  2. Advertising: cookies show the most relevant advertising for the user both inside and outside Moreover, they allow us to see if someone has performed an action in our website after viewing an advertisement. These cookies basically enable us to show advertisements to people who have already visited our website or purchased our products.
  3. Functionality: if you have registered on our website, with the use of cookies we can customize your browsing experience and show you the most relevant contents. To bring an example, after logging in, you can receive appropriate suggestions on products.

Does use third-party cookies?
Yes, mainly for promotional purposes and analysis. To receive more information on the cookies we use please see the list reported below.
How to disable cookies in our browser?
Many browsers are configured to accept, control or potentially disable cookies through the settings. We nevertheless remind you that disabling navigation or functional cookies may affect the functioning of the website and/or limit the service we offer.
Below is the procedure to follow to manage cookies from the following browsers:
  • In case your browser is Google Chrome:
    1. On your computer, open Chrome
    2. In the toolbar click on the menu next to the URL link (button with three vertical dots)
    3. Click “Settings
    4. At the bottom, click “Advanced
    5. Under “Privacy and security”, click “Content settings”.
    6. Click “Cookies”.
    7. Under “All cookies and site data”, click “Remove all”.
    8. Confirm by clicking “Clear all”.
    For further information: click here
  • In case your browser is Mozilla Firefox:
    1. Enter Mozilla Firefox
    2. In the toolbar click on the menu next to the URL link (you can find the button with three horizontal lines)
    3. From the “Tools” menu, select “Options
    4. Click “Privacy” and choose option “History
    5. Under “History Settings”: select “Use custom settings for history
    6. To delete cookies disable “Accept cookies from sites
    For further information: click here
  • In case your browser is Internet Explorer:
    1. Enter Internet Explorer
    2. From the “Tools menu”, select “Privacy
    3. Select “Delete” under “Browsing history
    4. Check “Cookies” and then click “Delete
    For further information: click here
  • In case your browser is Safari:
    1. Enter Safari
    2. From the Safari menu, select “Preferences” and click “Privacy
    3. Choose one of the following options: decide which cookies are accepted and then next to “Block cookies” select from third parties and advertisers “Always or Never”; to delete all cookies, select “Remove All Website Data” and in the window that appears, select “Remove Now”; otherwise click “Details”, select the cookie to delete and click “Remove”.
    For further information: click here
  • In case your browser is Opera:
    1. Enter Opera
    2. Select “Settings
    3. Click “Preferences
    4. Select “Advanced settings
    5. Choose “Cookies
    6. Select “Never accept cookies
    For further information: click here
  • In case your browser in your mobile device is iOS(iPhone, iPad, iPod touch):
    1. Choose “Settings
    2. Select “Safari
    3. Select “Advanced settings
    4. Select “Website Data
    5. And then click “Remove all website data
    This allows the user to delete all cookies, but not the history. Therefore, to delete history also:
    1. Choose “Settings
    2. Select “Safari
    3. Select “Clear History and Website data”.
    For further information: click here
  • How to disable third-party cookies:
    • Google services: click here
    • Facebook: click here and check the section: “How can you control Facebook use of cookies to show you ads?”

List of cookies installed in this website
Here below please find the list of all cookies installed in this website. Third party cookies show the link to the privacy policy of their related supplier, where it is possible to find an accurate description of each cookie and its use.
  • ci_session (browsing session duration)
    Used to maintain a user state during a browser session
  • _ga (2 years duration)
    This cookie name is associated with Google Universal Analytics. This cookie is used to distinguish unique users by assigning a randomly generated number as a client identifier.
  • _gid (24 hour duration)
    This cookie name is associated with Google Universal Analytics. Store and update a unique value for each page visited.
  • _gat (10 minute duration)
    Third-party cookie of Google Universal Analytics, it is used to analyse visits.

Buttons and widget
The icons that link the users to social networks (for example Facebook, Twitter etc.) or some other applications in some cases may allow the installation of third parties cookies on the user’s device.

Source: Google Youtube
Source: Google Maps
Source: Facebook
Source: Instagram
Source: Pinterest
Source: Google+
Source: Twitter
Cod. Fisc.: 00872290242
Sede legale: VIA PILASTRI 19 - 36010 - CARRE' (VI)
R.E.A. n. VI-180807
Cap. Soc. i.v.: 703.050,00 Euro
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